
When is the Best Time to Sell a House?

Sellers often want to know the best month to put a house on the market. My answer: "The first week it is on the market." Sellers have an advantage when the house is new on the market. When buyers view a "new" listing and like it, there is a sense of urgency to get a "g...

Do You Budget Correctly for Repairs on Your Rent House?

We all know rent houses have expenses like: taxes, insurance, loan payments, management fees, leasing fees, etc. But what about: a new air conditioner or hot water heater, a new dishwasher or stove, new oven, new flooring, new roof, new interior paint, exterior paint, yard work,...

Austin, TX Housing Market at a Glance February 2023.

General sales activity is down 30% compared to a year ago. It could be said, "we are back to a normal market." Fewer buyers are moving right now. More houses are available for sale. "Supply and demand" dictate the market. Prices are falling. New home builders are mak...