Tools You Need When Renting a House
November 6, 2023
Living in a house is not like living in an apartment. You may need some new tools when you move into a house.
Here is a helpful list.
#1 Screwdrivers (Phillips & flat)
#2 Sink plunger (your responsibility if working fine when you moved in)
#3 Toilet plunger
#4 Lawn mower, blower & weed eater, or hire yard maintenance.
#5 3-in-1 oil
#6 Flashlight
#7 Spare light bulbs
#8 Spare AA & AAA & 9 volt square batteries
#9 YouTube how to synchronize your garage door opener to your built-in car remote.
#10 Amdro Ant Bait (from Home Depot or HEB) for fire ants
#11 Water softener salt if applicable
#12 The ability to change AC filters (YouTube it).