HELP! I need repairs...
Steps to getting repairs done at Texcen Realty.
#1 Is it an emergency? If yes, call the office 512-292-0800 and the emergency line 512-577-5890. What is an emergency? Someone's life or health is at risk. Call 911 if needed.
Gas leaks are an emergency & should be reported directly to the gas company by you.
Stay out of the house if you smell gas. Do not turn on any lights or electrical items.
#2 What caused the problem? Residents will be responsible for repairs they, their guests, and their pets are the cause. Example: A stopped-up drain. You might fix it yourself & save some money.
#3 Can I fix it myself? This link will help you: Home Repairs / How Too Link. YouTube also is a good reference.
You might fix the needed repair within a few minutes saving you time & possibly money.
#4 Report the repair on your online portal for the fastest response. www.TexCenRealty.com
Include photos & details. All water leaks should be reported immediately.