Brokers Blog

Should I Protest My Property Tax Value?

In Texas the tax values come out in mid-April. If an owner feels the value is too high they must protest by May 15th. Texcen Realty agents can tell an owner if they should protest by pulling sales data. I once saved a property owner over $36,000 on his property taxes...

Do I Owe Income Taxes When I Sell a Rental Property?

The answer is MAYBE. When a property owner sells a real estate investment, typically, income taxes are due. There are two exceptions. 1) If you lived in the rental house for two out of the last five years, you might not owe income taxes.  2) If you're doing a 1031 exchang...

What is a Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse Mortgages have gotten a bad rap but can be very useful in certain circumstances. They give a homeowner the ability to stay in their current home and get the equity out in monthly payments or a lump sum. This loan has NO PAYMENTS. The loan is based on age & the amou...